Lucky Restyanti Wahyu Utami, Indah Sulistyowati


In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, individuals who are most at risk of infection are those who have close contact with COVID-19 sufferers, one of which is health workers. One of the health workers who is in close contact with COVID-19 sufferers is a radiographer who is in charge of carrying out radiological supporting examinations.
Health care workers who come into contact with patients can protect themselves by adhering to infection prevention and control practices, which include administrative, environmental, engineering controls and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment. The use of appropriate personal protective equipment includes proper selection of the appropriate type of personal protective equipment, how to use it, how to remove it, how to dispose of and or wash personal protective equipment. The use of personal protective equipment is one of the efforts to prevent and control the COVID-19 infection.
The objectives to be achieved in this study are to determine the control of the transmission of COVID-19 carried out by radiographers at the radiology installation of the Kendal district hospitals. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The research sample used was 5 radiographers in one of the Kendal district hospitals. Collecting data uses a questionnaire and data analysis uses descriptive analysis.
From the results of the descriptive analysis, it was found that the control of COVID-19 transmission carried out by the respondents was in accordance with the recommendations set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2020) and Perdoki (2020). Efforts to control the transmission of COVID-19 that have been implemented include procedural techniques in services provided in the radiology installation environment and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment by radiographers.

Keywords: COVID-19 transmission control, radiographer

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 Published by : Widya Husada Semarang University | ISSN : 2086-8510 (Print) | ISSN : 2655-5875 (Online)