Aryadiva Nugrahaning Prayoga, Nanik Suraningsih, Mega Indah Puspita


The posteroanterior projection (PA) chest radiograph is the most frequently performed radiological examination for various purposes of diagnosis. Radiographic examination of the anatomy of the body can provide as much information as possible which can be determined by the Radiologist, which requires good quality radiographic images. To be able to produce radiographs that provide as much information as possible, optimal radiographs are needed. In the radiographic examination, factors that can affect the quality of the photo are needed in order to get good results. These factors include the exposure factor. Exposure factor consists of mains voltage (kV), tube current (mA) and time (s).
The objectives to be achieved in this study were to determine the effect of exposure factors on the quality of radiographic images on the use of phantom thorax with PA assessment. The method used in experimental research. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Diploma III X-Ray Engineering Study Program, Widya Husada University, Semarang. In several variations of exposure factors, there is no difference in quality both in terms of sharpness and sharpness. The resulting image from each variation is good and informative. So it can be useful that the use of exposure factors is chosen as minimal so that the exposure or dose received is smaller. Image quality analysis should be made with a wider variety of kV and mAs, and using phantom objects other than phantom thorax.

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 Published by : Widya Husada Semarang University | ISSN : 2086-8510 (Print) | ISSN : 2655-5875 (Online)