Violita Mellania, Intan Zainafree


Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis that attacks the lungs and other organs. The target for case finding until August is 176 cases, but the Bulu Lor Health Center has only reached 38 case finding with 21 positive cases. The purpose of the study was to find out how to implement the DOTS strategy policy during the COVID-19 in the work area of the Bulu Lor Health Center Semarang. The study uses a qualitative with determination uses purposive sampling technique with all 18 informants. The results showed that communication on the DOTS strategy during the pandemic used electronic media. There have perception problems when communicating. Human resources and funding are fulfilled, but there are candidates who have resigned. DOTS rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic combine with COVID-19 services. The commitment has been fulfilled, except for the commitment cadres who resigned and patients who dropped out of treatment due to drug side effects. The organizational structure of the DOTS strategy refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 67 of 2016, but the sputum examination doesn't comply with regulations.

Keyword: Tuberculosis, DOTS Strategy, COVID-19, Policy Implementation, Bulu Lor Primary Health Care

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