Rahayu Setyowati, Sri Wahyuni




Hipertensi merupakan penyakit kronis yang menjadi sebab munculnya komplikasi penyakit mematikan. Manajemen hipertensi dilakukan secara farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Penatalaksannan non farmakologis dengan modifikasi gaya hidup, diet, olahraga dan manajeman stress. Informasi manajemen hipertensi dapat melalui pendidikan kesehatan secara berterusan dengan pendekatan keluarga dan individu. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap penurunan tekanan darah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen pre and post test without controle group. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Mei – Juni 2019 dengan 20 responden di 5 puskesmas dinas kesehatan majalengka dengan angka kejadian hipertensi tertinggi. Pendidikan kesehatan yang diakukan melalui pendekatan keluarga dan individu. Berdasarkan hasil uji normalitas dimana tidak normal maka uji statistic yang digunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukan selisih rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik pretest dan posttest adalah 7,5 dan perbedaan tekanan darah diastolic pretest dan postes adalah 4. Dengan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon hasil analisis bivariat menunjukan adanya pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap tekanan darah sistolik dan juga tekanan darah diastolic dengan nilai p value < 0,05. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap penurunan tekanan darah. Berdasakan hasil penelitian tersebut diharapkan petugas kesehatan dapat melaksanakan pendidikan kesehatan tentang manajemen hipertensi untuk tujuan pengelolaan kasus hipertensi di masyarakat.


Kata kunci : hipertensi, pendidikan kesehatan, tekanan darah




Hypertension is a chronic disease that can cause the emergence of complications of lethal diseases. Management of hypertension can be done pharmacologically and non pharmacologically. Non-pharmacological management is carried out by modification of lifestyle, diet, exercise and stress management. Information on the management of hypertension can be done through continuous health education with a family and individual approach. This study aims to determine the effect of health education on the decrease in blood pressure among patients with hypertension. The study method used was quasi experimental with pretest and posttest without control group design. The study was conducted in May - June 2019 among 20 respondents who reported hypertension in 5 Community Health Centers in the work area of Majalengka District Health Office which had the highest incidence of hypertension. The health education was conducted through family and individual approach. Based on the results of normality test, it was proven that the data were not normally distributed. Thus statistical test used was Wilcoxon test. The result of univariate analysis showed that the difference in sistolic blood pressure between the pretest and posttest was 7.5 and the difference in diastolic blood pressure between the pretest and posttest was 4. Based on the results of bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon test, it was revealed that there was an effect of health education on systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure with a p value of <0.05. It was concluded that there was an effect of health education on the decrease in blood pressure. Based on the study findings, it is expected that healthcare providers can hold health education on hypertension management for the sake of the management of hypertension cases in the community.


Keywords: hypertension, health education, blood pressure

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