Khairatul Inzan, Intan Zainafree


The COVID-19 pandemic has become a world concern including in Indonesia. As one of the public facilities that function to provide health services, Puskesmas is required to continue to provide good quality services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Health reported a total of 3,908,247 confirmed cases and 121,141 deaths caused by COVID-19 on August 18, 2021. The quality of health services is important during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the transmission of the virus. This study aims to analyze the quality of COVID-19 vaccination services at Puskesmas Srondol. This study used a qualitative analysis method to find out the quality of COVID-19 vaccination services in Puskesmas Srondol based on the SERVQUAL dimension. The subjects of this study were key informants and triangulation. Data were analyzed qualitatively based on the Miles & Huberman model. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that the quality of the COVID-19 vaccine service at Puskesmas Srondol in Semarang City could be measured from 5 dimensions of public service as proposed by Parasuraman including tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. It can be seen that the COVID-19 vaccination service at Puskesmas Srondol is satisfactory and appropriate. However, some aspects like parking facilities for cars and data collection on vaccination participants need to be improved. Puskesmas Srondol is expected to improve all aspects of providing COVID-19 vaccination services to satisfy the vaccination participants.

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 Published by : Widya Husada Semarang University | ISSN : 2086-8510 (Print) | ISSN : 2655-5875 (Online)