Indah Sulistyowati, Novia Putri Tsania, Agung Satrio Nugroho


For the prevention and control of cancer in Indonesia, especially breast cancer, the government has made various efforts, including early detection of breast cancer in women aged 30-50 years using the Clinical Breast Examination (Sadanis) method. It is estimated that the incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia is 82% of which are already at an advanced stage. This is due to the reluctance of women to carry out early examinations. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of family support on sadistic behavior (clinical breast examination) in women of childbearing age. The type of research used is quantitative research with an analytic survey research method and a cross sectional approach. The research sample used was women of childbearing age in RW I, Tambakharjo Village, West Semarang District, with a total of 30 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire. Bivariate data analysis using Chi Square. From the results of the study, it was found that most of the families were supportive in Clinical Breast Examination (Sadanis) and most of the respondents did not carry out Clinical Breast Examination (Sadanis). From the data analysis using Chi Square, the value of ρ = 0.747 > 0.05 was obtained. then it is said that Ha is rejected, which means that there is no influence between Family Support on Sadanist Behavior (Clinical Breast Examination). Advice that can be given is the need for information and support from health workers so that women of childbearing age want to carry out clinical breast examination (Sadanis).

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 Published by : Widya Husada Semarang University | ISSN : 2086-8510 (Print) | ISSN : 2655-5875 (Online)