Candra Hadi .P, Emilia puspitasari sugiyanto, Wijanarko Heru .P


The increasing number of elderly today requires an effort to improve health status in this age group. The elderly are a vulnerable group where the elderly are often found with chronic and terminal disease problems. Some of the elderly are in nursing homes, the role of care givers in nursing homes is important. This study aims to describe the experience of care givers in wreda center. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological study design. The sampling technique uses a snow ball sampling technique, namely elderly care givers who experirience are more than 1 year old. The sample in this study were 5 respondents who were elderly care givers who had experience of more than 1 year. Data collection techniques are triangulation by way of in-depth interviews, observation, and documentary studies. The results of the study found several factors that influence elderly care giver including knowledge, infrastructure, resources, and social support. In addition to the factors that influence elderly care, it is also found that care needs for the elderly include Physical Needs, Emotional and Psychological Needs, Spiritual Needs, and Social Needs.


Care Giver; Caring Experience; Palliative Patients

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 Published by : Widya Husada Semarang University | ISSN : 2086-8510 (Print) | ISSN : 2655-5875 (Online)