Menik Kustriyani, Dwi Nur Aini, Arifianto Arifianto




Thomas Maria R,et al menemukan bahwa yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya kesalahan identifikasi adalah: komunikasi 8%, pemberian label 20%,nama pasien yang membingungkan 30%, faktor manusia 42% (Mulyana, 2013).  Identifikasi 957 kesalahan gelang, kesalahan paling umum adalah gelang yang hilang (90,4%), ECRI Institute, 2016. Kesalahan karena keliru dalam mengidentifikasi pasien dapat terjadi hampir semua aspek atau tahapan diagnosis dan pengobatan. Supervisi merupakan salah satu fungsi dari seorang pemimpin dalam usaha untuk menjaga mutu pelayanan dan keselamatan pasien diarea tugasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan supervisi dengan pelaksanaan identifikasi pasien secara benar di ruang rawat inap rumah sakit.

Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif analitik. Metode pendekatan dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive Sampling, jumlah sampel 30 responden dan melakukan informed consent. Intrumen penelitian  menggunakan kuesioner dengan analisis uji rank spearman.

Hasil: Sebanyak 76,7%  responden menyatakan bahwa supervisi yang dilakukan baik, sebanyak 86,7% responden melaksanakan identifikasi pasien dengan benar di ruang Cempaka dan Kenangan RSUD Soewondo Kendal. Hasil uji statistic rank spearman  ada hubungan supervisi dengan pelaksanaan identifikasi pasien dengan benar (p = 0,003) yang berarti lebih kecil dari  ά = 0,05. Nilai Rho 0,572 yang menunjukkan tingkat keeratan hubungan sedang dan arah hubungan positif, disimpulkan semakin tinggi nilai supervisi maka akan semakin tinggi pula nilai pelaksanaan identifikasi pasien dengan benar. Sebaiknya supervisi selalu dilakukan untuk memonitor.


Kata kunci : Supervisi, Identifikasi pasien secara benar




Background: Thomas Maria R, et al found that the causes of misidentification are: communication 8%, labeling 20%, confusion over patients’ name 30%, human factors 42% (Mulyana, 2013). Identification of 957 mistakes was caused by the wristbands. The most common mistakes were missing wristbands (90.4%) (ECRI Institute, 2016). Errors due to misidentification of patients can occur in almost all aspects or stages of diagnosis and treatment. Supervision is one of the functions of a leader in an effort to maintain the quality of service and patient safety. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of the supervision with the implementation of correct patient identification in the hospital wards. Methods: This study is a quantitative analytic research. The method of approach used is cross sectional design. The sampling was obtained using consecutive sampling techniques. The number of samples is 30 respondents and uses informed consent filled in by the respondents. The data was collected using a questionnaire with Spearman rank test analysis. Results: The results showed that as many as 76.7% of the respondents stated that supervision was well conducted. There were as many as 86.7% of the respondents carried out the identification of patients correctly in the Cempaka and Kenangan room at General Hospital Soewondo Kendal. Spearman rank statistical test results showed that there is a correlation of supervision with the implementation of patient identification correctly (p = 0.003), which means less than ά = 0.05. Rho value is 0.572 which showed that the level of closeness of the relationship is moderate and the direction of relationship is positive. So, it can be concluded that the higher the value of supervision, the higher the value of the implementation of the correct patient identification. Therefore, the supervision should be gradually conducted to monitor the implementation of the correct patient identification.


Keywords : Supervision, Identify patients correctly

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