Linda Putri Ocktaviani, Arifianto Arifianto, Mariyati Mariyati


Introduction : Same-sex relationship have long existed inside the Indonesian society. Many homosexual men decide to come out or open up to others. The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons and stages that caused homosexual men to come out in the city of Semarang.
Research Method : The type of this research is a qualitative research with descriptive phenomenology approach. Purposive sampling being used to pick out 3 people through in-depth interviews, also field notes as data collection method. Data analysis was carried out after and during the research, then using the member checking method to find the validity of the data.
Result : Based on the results of the experiment, the research concludes that : 1. Homosexual individuals are coming out so that there will be no lies in living their lives as same-sex enthusiasts and also they are coming out due to their supportive surrounding environment, 2. In the awareness stage, homosexual individuals believes that gay is a gift from God and believes in being gay comes from congenital / genes, 3. At the exploration stage, homosexual individuals begin to join the homosexual community to study about their gender and sexuality, 4. At the acceptance stage, homosexual individuals have begun to accept themselves as gay and begin to have same-sex relationships, 5. At the commitment stage, homosexuals begin to seriously committed towards other homosexuals, 6. At the integration stage, homosexual individuals are ready to open themselves and tell people about them being homosexual, 7. The impact that they got after coming out are self-satisfaction and bullying.
Conclusion : For their own good and to be able to live without lies, homosexuals will come out and in the process of coming out there will be many stages and have various impacts.


Phenomenology;Homosexual; Coming Out

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