Penerapan Senam Nifas Terhadap Tingkat Afterpains Pada Ibu Post Partum Di Ruang Ponek Rsud Kota Salatiga

Lutfaturrohmah Lutfaturrohmah, Priharyanti Wulandari


Backgroud : The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that postpartum health services for mothers begin to be provided within 24 hours of giving birth by competent health workers. Gymnastics is an exercise that can be done 24 hours after giving birth with movements that have been adjusted to the condition of mothers after childbirth that aims to maintain and improve the circulation of the mother during the postpartum period, and help increase the strength of the abdominal muscles after giving birth.

Purpose: To find out the application of nifas gymnastics to the afterpains level in post partum mothers in the Ponek Room of Salatiga City Hospital.

Method: Research design is a model or method that will be used by researchers to conduct something research that provides direction to the course of research. In this study used pre experimental designs research design with one group pretest- posttest design research design, this study without using a control group.

Results: From the results of implementation has been given to several respondents, namely nifas gymnastics therapy said there is a change or decrease in the level of afterpains pain. There are several supporting factors that make the pain that the mother feels reduced one of them family.

Conclusion: Postpartum gymnastics therapy in postpartum mothers can help the recovery process of the condition faster. There are many benefits of giving non- pharmacological nursing interventions (gymnastics nifas) among others easy in its application there are no side effects,


Gymnastics nifas; Afterpains; Post Partum

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