Juwahir Juwahir, Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih


Background : Low birth weight (LBW) babies are babies with a birth weight of less than 2500 grams. Babies with LBW will have difficulty in adjusting their body temperature to the environment. One of the effective intervention treatments for infants with low birth weight is the kangaroo method of care (PMK). Kangaroo method of care (PMK) is skin-to-skin contact care. FMD can bring the baby closer to the mother, stabilize the baby's body temperature and heart rate, make it easier for the baby to drink breast milk, increase the baby's weight, the baby's breathing pattern is more regular, increase the baby's comfort and the baby's sleep time is longer (Pratiwi, 2015).
Objective : This study aims to determine the provision of kangaroo method care to body temperature and comfort in infants with low birth weight.
Methods : The study used a descriptive method with a case approach to low birth weight patients who experienced a decrease in body temperature and comfort from August 2 to September 4, 2021. The instrument used was an observation sheet and used an assessment by measuring the patient's body temperature before and after FMD using digital thermometer.
The results of the study : The body temperature of LBW before being given FMD (Pre test) was 36℃ and the body temperature and comfort of LBW after being given FMD 36.3℃ (Post test) increased.
Conclusion : This study proved effective in giving FMD to increase body temperature and comfort in LBW

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