Fifi Fauziah, Muftadi Muftadi, Aty Nurillawaty Rahayu, A. Fauji


Background: Gout is a degenerative disease in the elderly. The prevalence of joint disease in Indonesia from the age of 55 to 64 years is 45%, aged 65 to 74 years as much as 51,9% and those over 75 years old as much as 54,8%. The management can be in the form of complementary therapy, one of which is the provision of boiled water from bay leaves to reduce urice acid levels in the elderly. Purpose: The study of this literature riview aims to determine the effect of giving bay-leaf boiled water to the elderly with gout problems. Method: In this scientific paper is a literature review search using electronic databases namely google schoolar and semantic shoolar. The keywords used with search are elderly or bay-leaf boiled water or uric acid levels, results are found 3 journal from google schoolar and 2 jurnal from semantic shoolar, of 5 articles discussing the effect of giving bay-leaf boiled water to reduce uric acid levels in the eldearly. Results: From the literature review results from the 5 articles show that the effect of giving bay-leaf boiled water to reduce uric acid levels in the eldearly. Conclusion: The results of a literature review of the literature review show that bay-leaf boiled water can reduce uric acid levels in the elderly.


elderly; bay-leaf; uric acid

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