Dwi Nur Aini, Nana Rohana, Ervilina Windyastuti


Latar Belakang :Stroke menyebabkan kerusakan neurologis karena sumbatan total atau parsial pada pembuluh darah serebral sehingga menyumbat aliran darah  ke otak.Range Of Motion dapat membantu menyembuhan kelemahan otot pada penderita stroke.Tujuan :Mengetahui pengaruh latihan range of motion (ROM) pada ekstremitas atas dengan bola karet terhadap kekuatan otot pasien stroke. Metode :Jenis penelitian Quasi Eksperimen dengan One Group Pretest-Postest. Populasi adalah pasien stroke 3 bulan terakhir dengan jumlah 40.Sampel sebanyak 40 diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling.Uji analisis data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil : Sebagian besar responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 23 responden (57,5% ), berumur antara 40-60  tahun yaitu sebanyak 31 responden (77,5%), pendidikan SMP sebanyak 21 (52,5%), kekuatan otot sebelum latihan ROM pada kategori 3 yaitu 23 responden (57,5%) dan kekuatan otot setelah latihan ROM pada kategori 4 yaitu 26 responden (65%). Uji Wilxocon P value = 0,000. Kesimpulan :Ada pengaruh latihan range of motion (ROM) pada ekstremitas atas dengan bola karet terhadap kekuatan otot pasien stroke RSUD Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal.

Kata Kunci     : Latihan Range Of Motion (ROM), Kekuatan Otot, Stroke



Background: Stroke causes neurological damage due to total or partial blockage of the cerebral blood vessels which blocks blood flow to the brain. Range Of Motion can help heal muscle weakness in stroke patients.Objective:To determine the effect of range of motion (ROM) exercises on the upper extremities with rubber balls on the muscle strength of stroke patients.Method: Type of Quasi Experiment study with One Group Pretest-Postest. The population was stroke patients in the last 3 months with the number 40. 40 samples were taken by consecutive sampling technique. Test data analysis using Wilcoxon test.Results: Most of the respondents were male respondents as many as 23 respondents (57.5%), aged between 40-60 years as many as 31 respondents (77.5%), junior high school education as much as 21 (52.5%), muscle strength before ROM training in category 3, it was 23 respondents (57.5%) and muscle strength after ROM training in category 4, which was 26 respondents (65%). Wilxocon Test P value = 0,000.Conclusion: There is an effect of range of motion (ROM) exercises on the upper extremities with rubber balls on the muscle strength of stroke patients RSUD Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal

Keywords       : Range Of Motion Exercise (ROM), Muscle Strength, Stroke

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 Published by : Universitas Widya Husada Semarang | ISBN : 978-602-60315-7-0