Nurul Hikmah Eka Annisa, Asih Minarningtyas, Yusrini Yusrini


Introduction: The implementation of laboratory skills evaluation is very necessary to see students' abilities. Laboratory skills test is one way to evaluate students on learning materials and is a source of anxiety for students. Objective: To find out what factors are related to the anxiety of nursing students in facing laboratory skills exams. The design of this study used descriptive analytic with a cross sectional design. Methods: The design of this study used descriptive analytic with a cross sectional design on 82 students using a total sampling technique. Results: The results of this study were (81.7%) students experienced anxiety, the majority of which were female respondents (89.0%) and 53 respondents were 21 years old (64.6%). The result of p-value is 0.042 on the knowledge factor, the confidence factor is 0.007, the interaction with the examiner lecturer is 0.022 and the environmental situation is 0.011 p<(0.05). Analysis: There is a significant influence between the factors of knowledge, self-confidence, interaction with the examiner lecturer and the environmental situation with the anxiety of nursing students.


Anxiety Factors; Worry; Student of nursing; Laboratory Skills Exam

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33666/jnwh.v9i1.478


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