Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan

In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0187/E5.3/HM.01.00/ 2023 https://arjuna2.kemdikbud.go.id/article/544 concerning the Permit to Merge the Widya Husada College of Health Sciences Semarang, the Widya Husada Nursing Academy Semarang, and the Widya Husada Academy of Physiotherapy Semarang to become Widya Husada University Semarang. Based on the decree, the Widya Husada Semarang Journal of Health Science and Technology, previously published by the Widya Husada College of Health Sciences, was published by Widya Husada University.


The Journal of Health Science and Technology (JITK) is a forum or means of publishing scientific writings on the results of research and non-research results in the field of science and technology that have never been published or are in the process of publishing in other scientific journals. The editorial staff has the right to change the writing without changing the purpose or substance of the submitted manuscript. Manuscripts that are not yet fit for publication in the Journal of Health Science and Technology are not returned to the sender, except at the request of the author concerned.

Papers submission Deadlines:

  • Submission  before 1 October for  publish in January
  • Submission before 1 May for  publish in July

Vol 16, No 1 (2025)

Table of Contents


Masfufatun Jamil, Nanik Suraningsih, Siti Rosidah
Desi Ramadhani, Dwi Retnaningsih
Aryadiva Nugrahaning Prayoga, Indah Sulistyowati
Arifianto Arifianto, Mariyati Mariyati
Fisnandya Meita Astari, Al Hafidzhoh Zahro Muhaddist, Widya Mufida, Mutiara Fembli
Harsono Harsono, Hargianti Dini Iswandari, Rinayati Rinayati
Indah Sulistyowati, Aryadiva Nugrahaning Prayoga
Novita Alfiani, Lucky Restyanti Wahyu Utami
Filla Alfazriani Darsono, Asri Hidayat, Wantonoro Wantonoro
Rindu Febriyeni Utami, Irhas Syah, Dika Dektriani